Name: Szabó Lőrinc
Profile: full stack developer
Email: lorenzo.darkside@gmail.com
Phone: +36 30 439-5574
PHP 99%About
There is an ancient Chinese saying, that you should switch profession every 7 years. That's the amount of time all your cells changes in your body.
If that is true, well, then I missed even the 4th round. :)
At 5 I decided to be a programmer, and started doing so at 11 (in C64 machine code). My first official project came at 16.
The vast amount of low level background helped to do the job: programming a Casio-handheld with a 8086 processor in pure C, to handle dBase III database files in raw pure binary without any libraries or whatsoever.
My hobby is my job as well till today, such as competitive programming or building interesting applications, AI stuff and all kind of entertaining software.
My current ranking on codingame.com is:
#1.153 / 4.339.919
(top 0.027%)
I develop full IT solutions on many platforms.
Web development
Solutions for the web with the proper tools needed by the project. It can be done in PHP, Javascript, C#, C++, Java or a mix of them, no problem.
Application development
Building desktop applications for Windows and/or Linux. Nowadays the need for these kind of software is declining, still sometimes the power of the CPU/GPU requires to do so.
Mobile app development
Android alkalmazások fejlesztése. Ugyanabból az indokból mint az asztali alkalmazások, a web néha szimplán nem elég.
Installation and maintenance of Linux systems and firewalls. This day it's almost a musthave for a DevOps. 20 years of experience comes handy.
Security audit
Ethical hack test for web applications, both blackbox and whitebox. Same goes for Linux/Windows applications, but rarely get this kind of opportunity ;)
Reverse Engineering
Sometimes it comes handy, to reverse engineer softwares. No problem.
Many of my works, from the last 3 decades. Many of them are still alive, many of them archived and some of them are sensitive ;)